当前位置:首页 > 绿色可持续发展认证 > GRS全球回收标准

  The organization shall establish, implement and maintain procedures and / or work instructions covering all applicable requirements of the GRS.


  ( Kindly attach the above related documents )


  For Each production step, the records shall demonstrate the balance between the GRS inputs and the outputs containing the declared final amount of Claimed Material. These records shall enable the CB to perform Volume Reconciliations.

  3.对于每个生产步骤,生产记录应说明GRS投入和产出,并能体现最终含有回收成分产品数量之间的平衡。 这些记录应可以让审核公司进行数量核对。

  All records used in the implementation and/or verification of the GRS shall be retained by the Organization for a minimum of five years


  The organization shall maintain and communicate clearly defined roles and responsibilities for all staff and management that may have an impact on the implementation of the standard.


  The organization shall appoint a management representative to be responsible for the overall compliance to the GRS Standard.


  (Kindly attach the appoint letter of the Management representative responsible for the GRS standard compliance)


  The staff responsible for each procedure impacted by GRS shall be given proper and regular training with regards to the implementation of the Standard.


  The Organization has procedures in place to maintain the integrity of the Claimed Material throughout processing


  Claimed material identity is preserved from commingling or substitution.


  Claimed Material identity is preserved from accidental commingling or substitution.


  Products containing Claimed Materials are prevented from accidental commingling or substitution with other products during transport


  Products containing Claimed Material are prevented from commingling or accidental substitution with other products during storage.


  Diagram and description of all material and product flows (Kindly attach the unit layout/floor plan)
